Customized Radiant Heating Services in Akron, OH
At J&J Plumbing, Heating & Cooling, we know you're tired of dealing with a dreadful radiator or the inefficiency of old, dusty furnaces. Have you heard of underfloor heating? Read below, then call us to find out more about availability in Tallmadge or Akron. We are a reliable radiant heat contractor, so we can install the system for you.
When you book us to come to your home for an estimate on underfloor radiant heating options, we can also take a look at other issues you might be having since we provide full heating services.
What Does Radiant Heating Mean?
Radiant heating refers to a network of heat-transmitting tubes installed behind the walls or ceiling or under floors. We wire the network to warm up an entire room. You can also install radiant heating outside your home under the driveway or sidewalk to help melt snow and ice
Types of radiant heating
The following are the types of underfloor heating systems from which you can choose in preparation for the cold season in Northeastern Ohio.
- HYDRONIC OR LIQUID RADIANT: This type is the most cost-effective and common floor heating system. Our contractors install tubes under the floor through which you will be pumping hot water from your home's boiler.
- ELECTRIC FLOOR HEATING: This type of radiant heating involves building electric cables into the floor. This option is not cost-effective because it consumes high levels of power. However, it's still common among most homeowners.
- AIR FLOOR HEATING: While it's less efficient than hydronic or electric systems, some in-floor heating systems use hot air panels. This heating type works with solar air warming systems.
Typical Benefits of Radiant Heating for Your Home
Radiant heating systems offer several benefits to Akron and Tallmadge homeowners. Below, we list ten benefits you will enjoy after installing radiant heating systems in your home.
- NOISELESS HEATING: Forced-air heating systems are louder than vents turning on and off
- CONSISTENT TEMPERATURE: With radiant floor heating, warm air rises to heat the whole room.
- ENERGY-EFFICIENCY: Radiant floor heating is more efficient because you won't face duct leaks as in a central ducted system.
- LESS ARID CONDITIONS: Radiant heating systems help regulate humidity levels in your home and prevent issues of dry skin, painful sinuses, and dry air.
- ALLERGY PREVENTION: Allergens cannot spread through air vents since there is no ductwork. Thus, you can inhale clean air.
- VISUAL APPEAL: You will have no unattractive radiators or vents on the ceilings and floors.
- FLEXIBLE FUELING: The system is a flexible heating source as it can run on oil, wood, solar, gas, and other sources.
- ADAPTABILITY TO ALL TYPES OF FLOORS: Radiant heating works with almost all floor types, including wood, tiles, concrete, carpet, and stone.
- SCALABILITY: You can choose to install a radiant heating system in one or two rooms, or the whole house, according to your needs.
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We've had your back since 1989. For time-sensitive requests, please give us a call at 330-678-1400.